bapa dengan gaya ketika 'shopping' dan bila sudah penat secawan kopi starbuck jadi hidangan.
pada 23hb oct yang lepas empat beranak hj noor kaseh telah berlancong ke bangkok thailand dengan tujuan untuk membeli belah sambil menikmati makanan terkenal thailand.kami menghabiskan masa selama 4 hari di kota yang terkenal dengan sopan santun penduduknya.tidak pernah sekali pun kami mendengar suara tinggi mahu pun orang yang bergaduh.ini ialah lawatan pertama bagi islah, kedua bagi saya dan sudah lama bagi bapa dan hjh ehsan(kali terakhir mereka pergi ialah pada tahun 80an)
kami tinggal di sebuah hotel yang bernama grand watergate hotel yang terletak di tengah-tengah wilayah pratunam di mana kebanyakkan tempat membeli belah seperti pratunam market,platinum mall, city centre dan mbk centre.di sepanjang jalan nya juga penuh dengan gerai kecil kecilan menjual barang barang dan makanan.walaupun kami hanya perlu berjalan kaki untuk menikmati suasana jual beli,kami juga ada mengunakan khidmat teksi dan tuk tuk (sejenis motosikal) untuk pergi ke tempat tempat yang selalu di kunjungi para para pelancong seperti chatuchak market,chinatown,night market,arab street dan bobae market.sememang nya kami lenguh kaki oleh nya.apa kata orang orang ketani 'kalau orang brunei sanggup'
tidak ketinggalan juga kami menikmati bermacam macam juadah tempatan atau pun arab.jangan khuatir di sana memang banyak tempat tempat makan yang halal dan kebanyakkan teksi dan tuk tuk memang tahu mana tempat tempat nya.boleh di katakan semua makanan nya sedap sedap belaka dan harganya berpatutan tetapi berhati hati bila memesan makanan nya supaya kurang kan pedas nya.kalau tidak berapi lah mulut.
bangkok, saya tentu akan melawat nya lagi.
Sunday, November 2
Posted by hjh amoy at Sunday, November 02, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, September 30
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.
To all my avid readers, i would like to wish you all a "Selamat Hari Raya".mohon maaf zahir dan batin for any wrongdoing that i have ever unintentionally done.
A special wish to all my cousins in UK and Australia i.e Bee Aye , Zunnur, Zayani and Noi.Wish you all well and once again 'SELAMAT HARI RAYA".
Posted by hjh amoy at Tuesday, September 30, 2008 0 comments
Monday, September 29
my dad,sis hjh ehsan,me and two of my nephews went to singapore during ramadhan for our annual food trip which actually coincide with the first F1 race.we didn't actually went to see the race but the heat of it can be felt a week before the actual race.Many of the racing car was on display all over orchard rather than putting the usual food pictures on this post, i opted for the many cars .For those avid supporter of the many many food in singapore more pictures are loaded to my multiply site.
Posted by hjh amoy at Monday, September 29, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, September 18
my baby po
This is the picture of my latest nephew born to my sister hjh hira n hj mazanan.The fifth member of the family was born on the 16th sept weighing at 4.290kg.Its been 10 years since we (hj noor kaseh's family) got a baby in the family so it wouldn't be a surprise if this boy is gonna be very pampered by all the aunts,uncles,grandparents n even great grandma hjh aminah.He is not named yet so for the time being he is known as baby po.congratulations again to the proud parents and not forgetting the siblings afeen, ahmad, syaheena and awie.
Posted by hjh amoy at Thursday, September 18, 2008 0 comments
Friday, August 29
neglect neglect neglect.that's what i had done to my blog.shame on can blame it on my boring life since i got back from jakarta.nothing exciting happens since the trip but the occasional adrenalin pumping scenario at work.i need another trip bad.i won't be having any in coming months even during our annual food trip to singapore this ramadhan which is too bad.
but......hehehehe there is always a been giving us hints for a round trip to malaysia.sounds fun im looking into it and probably will do our adventure trip in october after my niece's upcoming PSR exam(baby is tagging along).
congratulation also for the launching of the hj omar n hjh aminah blog and a special thanks to my cousin hj din for the great anybody interested to look behind the scenes of this family go to
before i end this post i would like to wish families,friends, colleagues and all muslim brothers and sisters "SELAMAT BERPUASA DAN SEMOGA SEMUA AMALAN DI BULAN MULIA INI DI TERIMA OLEH ALLAH swt"
Posted by hjh amoy at Friday, August 29, 2008 0 comments
Monday, August 11
goodbye cuzzzzzz
the summer holiday is nearing to the end and most of my cuzzins has been flying off to continue their studies at four corners of the earth.
Dina went off to kl on the 5th aug without me knowing.kejammmmm.....thinking to belanja her sushi before she go.rugi rugi.
zunur went back earlier to brisbane, i think it was on the 20th july and Zayani will go to liverpool soon too.
tnite our achum cousin ba is leaving for Newcastle and sorry not there to send you off but bon voyage anyway.
to all my cuzs time will fly very fast and tutup mata buka mata without realizing it you guys will be back in hard and enjoy life!
Posted by hjh amoy at Monday, August 11, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, July 24
Day 4 and Final Day In Jakarta.
While waiting for the others to finish their congress, the rest went to Semanggi Plaza for some light sightseeing.Lucky for us there was a brazilian dance performance being held there and it was really impressive.
Then in the avo we proceed to spend another eventful time in mangga can say that we spend quite a few time there.murah kali ahhhhhhh.
Dinner for the 2 final days were held at Saung Gading and Riung Sari.
We finish off our night at Jakarta with a relaxing Body Treatment at the Fitness Spa at the hotel.
Overall we had a great shopping time in busy macet jakarta and we will definately come again.
Shopping - tanah abang new and old
pasar senen
senayan plaza
senayan city
semanggi plaza
mangga dua
food - netrabu
riung sari
saung gading
sari kuring
lebanese restaurant
salam sayang dari jakarta.
Posted by hjh amoy at Thursday, July 24, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22
Day 3 in Jakarta.
Today we finally slow down on our shopping trip.The sis and bro were attending the congress while me, dad and aunty relax at the hotel.
We continue our journey to the new Tanah Abang mall where we found some pretty good deals then off to Sarinah Dept mall where the gurlz go crazy at the batik lines.Dad also got himself some trendy shirts.
We end our day with some arab dinner at Beirut Lebanon restaurant not far from Netrabu restaurant at jalan Agus Salim where the speciality is gulai kambing.umph.........
Overall today was not as hectic as the first 2 days.basically we were getting over our culture shock but never falter from the shopping.
Funny time is when i try to speak indonesia hilarious.....................
Stay tuned.........
Posted by hjh amoy at Tuesday, July 22, 2008 0 comments
Monday, July 21
Day 2 in jakarta
macet seem to be a normal occurance in metropolitan jakarta.
our day started with a trip to the pasar senen to get the famous siduarjo kropok.Its not a typical pasar like Brunei where you can finish the whole place in under 1 hr.This pasar at my estimation will take probably more than a day to finish.Among the mazes it sure give you a headache.
After a sweaty 3 hrs in pasar Senen we proceed to Mangga Dua for a leisure shopping NOTTTTTTTTTT.Basically our bags are full to the brim.
Luncheon was not forgotten with a good seafood soirees from sari kuring restaurant.The sambel belacan was da bomb.To my fellow reader telan aje air liur nya hehehehehe.
We wrap up our day at Senayan City where to my delight the fav titbits was situated like secret receipe, krispy kreme, etc mmmmmmmmm.
Learn a new word today at mangga dua.Everwhere i got the word 'Berbelanja Bu'.
Posted by hjh amoy at Monday, July 21, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, July 20
jakarta metropolitan
Salam dari kota jakarta.......
Arrive here around 1pm indonesian time and straight away whisked to our destination i.e sultan hotel where we are going to spend 5 blissful days.
Before i list down our adventure may i apologise for the absence of pictures.I brought all the equipment but one tiny thing.hehehehe the card reader so i will post it all after i got back.
Well after freshening up our first destination was Tanah Abang.For the faint-hearted never attempt to go here.Trying to cross the road itself was a challenge.But we the Haji Noor Kaseh family never back down.Maju terus.....
Next was Pacific Plaza which is for the rich and famous.Well mahal lah tu.......just like Bond St level.
Then we went to Natrabu for a sumptious Nasi Padang dinner.Phewieeeeee pedas banget.....but worth the tears.
We wrap up the nite by strolling around Blok M.just like Sungei Wang.right by my alley.hehehehehe.
Today was really a good opening so wait for the next update tmrw.
Posted by hjh amoy at Sunday, July 20, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, July 16
New Look
greetings everybody!.i have made some major changes on the outlook of my blogamania.i try to make it look like the reflection of myself.took me half the night to do it and im pretty happy with it.Once again don't be shy to drop a word or two and salammmmmm.
Posted by hjh amoy at Wednesday, July 16, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, July 9
Amendmend 17 n 17a
Finally i finish updating my Maint Programme to the latest revision after two pain-staking months, although i still need to do cleaning up on the plans and all.I felt as if a big boulder has been lifted from my shoulder and now i can take along deep breath and sigh.phew......
I still have my 777 to do though but that i can take my sweetest time.hehehehehe.At least i can go to Jakarta with a clear mind.Oh yeah have i mentioned to you guys that im going to jakarta with my sis and dad.she is attending a conference there so im taking the oppurtunity to go.Believe it or not my brother is also attending the same seminar.come on hj noor kaseh family the more the merrier.
Its been awhile since i went there,i remember the last and first time i went there was with a couple of very good friends of mine from base hangar namely Dzal, Adol, Mulah Ak Rosman to name a few.Rock baby yo cos i was the only girl during that trip.hehehehe
Well i will be flying off on the 20th til 25th.i think im gunna bring my lappy along so wait for any news from Jakarta.wait for the post soon.
I like to wish my big big cuzzin Hamdi a very happy 12th birthday.Buat i.c dah nie eh.......naik muda udah cuzzin ku ani.hehehehehe
Posted by hjh amoy at Wednesday, July 09, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, June 29
HoMe SwEeT HoMe
i'm back from shenzhen sat nite and had dinner at afeen's place.i told you earlier that i won't spend much NOT.It was summer there and all the good summer stuffs were out.habisin betul itu wang.Got alot of pretty deals and one good news was all the stuffs that i bought is necessary.hehehehehe.nyaman kan hati tu banar.....
It was wet the whole time i was there.It was pouring rain 24 hrs a day.Hongkong was hit by a cyclone the day i arrived.Luckily we were already in shenzhen that afternoon and it was flooding in some areas.Although it dampen our mood but it didn't affect our spirit of shopping.hehehehe.
after effect ,well the body aches all over,migraine and very thin wallet.not forgetting the workload thats waiting for me tomorrow.argh.....need to finish it off before i went to accompany my sister to jakarta for her seminar in 3 weeks time.
this morning will be the final match of the euro 2008 between germany and spain.hopefully the eyes can stay open to watch the going for germany at least 2-1.happy watching everybody.
Posted by hjh amoy at Sunday, June 29, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, June 18
Happy Fathers's Day
First of all i would like to wish my daddy Haji Noor Kaseh a Happy father's Day and we all love you very much.usually we don't have any special event to celebrate this occasion but since my dad loves food so makan it is.hehehehe actually anak nya pun enjoy makan jua.kill 2 birds with 1 stone lah nie.
last nite my budayang treated us all to dinner at airport.It was seafood nite and i ate plenty of fresh oysters yummmy.....They say its aphrodisiac tapi whatever......i love eating it especially with plenty of squeeze lemon.Thank buday n jangan jara-jara.hehehehehe.
my workloads has lessen abit but still plenty.i had to work double effort this week since im on holl next week.well kan nyaman kan hati pulang nie kira keraja 2 minggu jadi seminggu.kahkahkah.
Hopefully the weather will be fine when we go shenzhen next week.We have been hearing alot about flooding and earthquake on the southern part of china, the guongdong province which is where shenzhen is.mendoa lah nie.aminnnnn.
you know what is the latest rage on tv for us at rimba.its a chinese series called 'the charm beneath" aired everyday at 6pm at ntv7.Its about a family in the cosmetic business set on the era of the 50's.Biasalah cerita pasal family,harta and love.nda pernah miss kami liat.siok kali ah beat bella n ezora.hopefully no stupid ending.
That's about it for now and see you soon on the next chapter!
Posted by hjh amoy at Wednesday, June 18, 2008 0 comments
Saturday, June 14
have you been to watch Kung Fu Panda?You should go and see it and i bet its worth your time.It was hilarious.Me and the rest of my babyfruits can't stop laughing from the start till the end even afterwards when we were enjoying our sushi dinner.Some of them even try the skills of using chopsticks just like Po the panda.
Its true a hero warrior comes in different shape and sizes and in this case a fat food loving panda.Never be ashamed of your size its what's you have inside that really matters.
A chinese proverb quote "yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift"
Posted by hjh amoy at Saturday, June 14, 2008 0 comments
Friday, June 13
whaddup whaddup! its seem ages, well to be exact more than two weeks since i post anything.Since i got back from the states i haven't truly had a good rest.The week i've arrived home i been going out everynite and on the weekend the whole family went to temburong for a picnic .
The week drag on at work with workload by the stacks that need my immediate attention.You guys don't want to know how much work i have at the moment.i can say the half of the year will be spend on finishing my amendments not including the new ones coming soon.on top of that i finally moved out the rest of my stuff from kilanas to rimba after putting it on hold for a year.
School holiday is here again and as usual rimba is open for tennancy for all my baby fruits.This time i come prepared with entertainment, videogames and food.So to all my babyfruits and cuzzins you are most welcome........
oh yeah im going to shenzhen again this 24th for the usual shopping trip.Hopefully i don't spent too much on unnecessary things.Heehheehehehe trying to save some dosh for a new car.But usually the devils always gets the best on me.Too much temptation, well when its cheap how can you resist it.
Cuz Dina is coming home from KL this sunday.If you want to find a partner to go for sushi, she is the one.Hehehehe welcome home anyway cuz!!!!!
By the way im uploading the pictures i promise you on my multiply at the moment.Its taking soooo long to do it so bear with me and hopefully it will all be in my multiply today.inshaallah.
Gotta go now, need to get some more stuff before the troops checks-in this afternoon.We gonna watch Kung Fu Panda and afterward parrrrrtyyy........
ciao bella....
Posted by hjh amoy at Friday, June 13, 2008 0 comments
Saturday, May 24
Day 5 & final day in Seattle
Today is friday and tmrw will be our flight home.I went to the Boeing 737 assembly factory at Renton and it was magnificent, well to me it was.
Almost 12 a/c lined up nicely waiting its turn to be fitted with.Believe it or not each a/c will move about 4 inch each day until it reach the end of the line and will go out of the hangar to undergone various tests and finally painted.impressive huh.
Orders for the B737 are so backlogged that it will run into year 2014 before you can place an order.That dash my wish to buy one for my brother for his coming birthday.hehehehehe.(perasaan lah tu) but its really good business man.
I went to the boeing shop afterwards and got some goodies for self and the gangs back home and went for last minute shopping too.Have i told you that most of the shops here are on SALE.huhuhuhu i got lots of bargain and habisin itu wang.hehehehe.
Got the ipod classic for a good price but unfortunately couldnt get my hand on the wii board cos it was sold out on the first day it comes out.damn........but overall had a good shopping.
so i will sign out my journey to seattle today.It is 5.30am(2030pm in Brunei) now and in a couple of hours, i will be off to L.A to catch my flight home via Sin.Sorry there is not much pictures on these blogs cos i havent really have time to upload them but i will post most of them on my multiply site when i get back.Inshaallah.
why i wake up early?well harapan kan meliat final AF online tapi kecundang inda supported.tsk tsk task.
This is Hjh Amoy signing out from Seattle USA,over and out.
Posted by hjh amoy at Saturday, May 24, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, May 22
Day 4 in Seattle
finish off our seminar today,overall it was very informative and i learn alot.i was elected the chairperson for today's workshop for my group,well actually i have no choice since everybody has done it and the other 2 guys bail on me.i did good actually and proud of it.hehehehehe.masuk bakul angkat sendiri lah nie.
later that nite we went for our dinner at tillicum village.its a village on blake island off the coast of hudson bay.we boarded a ship at pier 55 and took us half an hour to go there.
Tillicum village serve as a showcase for the culture of the northwest coast native first people and their speciality is the traditional way they cooked the salmon.
Seattle itself is famous for its pacific salmon.hari2 kali ah aku makan salmon.nyum nyum.
since the pier is in downtown Seattle so i have a chance to see the space needle.dari jauh pulang ganya tu tapi better than nothing rite.
overall had a good salmon dinner and an entertaining native dancing shows.
tmrw will just be some cert ceremony and the tour so wait for the next blog........
Posted by hjh amoy at Thursday, May 22, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, May 21
Day 2 & 3 in Seattle.
what to put in this time.......hmm well one thing i definitely want to tell you guys is that its veeeery cold here.ngam tah lagi 2 hari ani hujan saja di sini.tapi that is normal in Seattle.When there is sun that is abnormal.Statistically last year they only receive 4 hours of real i won't get my hopes high on the weather.
tmwr will be the last day of our seminar and friday will only be certificate presentation and tour of the boeing factory.Thats what i have been waiting for.tmrw nite there is also a dinner hosted by boeing to be held at pier 55 at downtown seattle.gunna dress abit for the occasion,but was warned its gonna be quite chilly.......hantam tia aja asal bergaya.heheheehe.
guess what i got this time?i finally bought a new ipod classic.masa ani bangang masih cara menggunakan but will get the hang of it soon.was gunna get the wii fit which comes out today tapi biasa lah sold out by afternoon.mudahan2 esok lusa dorang restock,sampat jua ku membali.
its getting late n i have an early day tmrw so toodles and to be continued.....
Posted by hjh amoy at Wednesday, May 21, 2008 0 comments
Monday, May 19
Seattle Day 1
Hi everybody greeting from seattle!This is the first entry for my seminar in seattle and will try to write in everyday if im not too busy.I had that seminar in the museum of flight and i manage to go for a visit around the museum and was in awe or most probably still is with the varieties of old a/c on display.(will put on the pictures on my multiply soon).
The seminar itself was quite enjoyable even though i was still in jetlag condition and nodded off a couple of times.Hopefully by tomorrow i should be my old self again.
went out for food after the seminar and opted for burger king (tmrw i definitely will eat better than fastfood) and did a little browsing around the shops.went to target shop and hey hey hey got myself a nintendo wii for a to all my baby fruits......main tah ketani nie.hehehehehe.The wii fit will be out on the 21st so i might get it too.cheaper bah di sini.
c ya on the next post........
Posted by hjh amoy at Monday, May 19, 2008 0 comments
first nite in Seattle
phew...i finally arrived in Seattle at midnite tday 18/o5/2008.After boarding 3 differents a/c(A320.A340 n Boeing 737) and 24 hours later im here.....not much to fill in tnite.ngalih ku n my seminar starts at 7.30am here are some pictures of my room.basar bnar ,2 katil queen size lagi tu boleh muat 5 org.wish i brought kainchan n bapa along.hmmmm
Posted by hjh amoy at Monday, May 19, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, May 15
Seattle USA
whadup whadup everybody! today i finally received my ticket and monies for my seminar in good old America.I will be attending a seminar on AIRLINE PLANNING MAINTENANCE DEVELOPMENT in seattle.The best things is that i will have an oppurtunity to visit the Boeing factory.sweeeeeet.
I will be flying off this sun via Sin and Los Angeles,not really looking foward to the long 24 hours journey.I thought i was gonna get on board on the new A380 but alas not my rezeki.Will be there til 26th May so until then wait for my next blog on my journey.cheerioooo.
Posted by hjh amoy at Thursday, May 15, 2008 0 comments
Friday, May 9
Sorry lama inda berisi blog ku ani.kan katakan sibuk inda jua ganya malas kan buka lappy ku these few days.masa ani tah lagi im downloading the series 'The Tudors" lagging tah lagi internet oleh nya.
well i want to talk about masa ani org se Brunei ani sibuk kan menukar sim ke 3G.It started on the 1st May until 31st may free upgrade and after that kana charge 10 bucks tia.
ok lah i gave it a week before aku ikut menyibuk kan menukar jua.Sekali last wed tengahari pegi lah ku k branch nya di Giant.hehehehe bagi cousins yand di luar sana kami ada udah Giant.
Back to my story,ambil numbur tah ku nie and dapat 375 sekali liat baru serving 225.Allah seratus labih aku decide balik semula krg ptgnya lapas keraja.ptgnya atu liat lagi and unfortunately limpas no ku atu by 50 people.ambil tah ku lagi numbur,pun kana seratus org jua.fed up ku tarus.
kes sasak punya, tadi pagi pegi lah ku awal2 baru kan buka.nah dapat, nunggu 5 org aja.kahkahkah suka hati saya.alum ku cuba lagi cos sim lama alum kana disconnect,nunggu tah dulu nie.awal2 ani sakai lah nie baru2 an dapat video call asal jgn menjawab dlm jamban aja.hehehehehe scene lucah tarus tu.
hopefully with this upgrade the service and network will be better.
Posted by hjh amoy at Friday, May 09, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, April 29
Alween 10th Birthday
Hey guys its Awie's 10th Birthday today.HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY AWIEEEEE.muah muah hugzs and kissesss from uwa, buday and uncu......
What to get for him? well its pretty hard to get for this boy who dream about having his own makanland.Im not kidding you!!!!! Other kids probably dream of disneyland or playland but this dude actually dream of a place where all his favourite eating places are under one roof ie KFC,JOLLIBEE,PIZZA HUT,McDONALD etc.
Just last month he joked around saying that kaka baby's cheese burger (ia udah makan set V5 spaghetti and burger hafal ia udah nie menu nya) actually smile at him and thank him for eating it.hahahahahahaha.Banar tah anak ani pacah ku ketawa olehnya.Ada-ada saja imagination nya atu.
I don't considered him on the overweight side yet hehehehe so after much thinking and browsing around,so we decided to get him a basketball complete with the hoop pole.Hehehehe kan suruh ia exercise lah tu.Balance kan lah food and exercise.krg lampuh banar kureng handsome nya udah ia basar.hehehehe.
Tadi late ptg the presents was delivered to his house.Inda sabar2 ia kan main tapi babah nya inda suruh cos udah late.He really love it so its money well spent(uwa belikan).Hopefully in a month or two kurus tah baby fruit ku ani.Inda tah payah di control makannya lagi.
Once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY AWIE and be a good boy alwezzzzzz.
Posted by hjh amoy at Tuesday, April 29, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, April 17
24th national day appreciation dinner
Last monday we had our big makan in appreciation for our participation during the national day.It went with a blast with good food, good company and definitely good entertainment.Naik jua berat badan that nite with succulent barbeque lamb and beef on the menu.There is also grilled prawn, crab, sate and not forgetting salads(for those yang jaga badan).hahahaha very few customers on that section.To end our food marathon was a varieties of yummy yummy desserts.phew......
For more pictures go to my multiply website
the boss modest platter (3rd round udah kali ah)
boh,kimo and me happy after food.
Posted by hjh amoy at Thursday, April 17, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, April 9
How To Make An American Quilt
A drama based on a novel depicting a woman, spending her summer with her grandmother trying to gain some perspective on marriage. As the granddaughter prepares for marriage, the grandmother and her friends sew profound stories of love into a quilt(a wedding present) from their own amorous recollections into each personal panel.
That’s what I want to talk about LOVE AND MARRIAGE.
How does LOVE grow? From stranger to friend to couple to marriage. How do you merge into this thing called ‘couple’ and still keep a little room for yourself? And how do we even know we’re only suppose to be with one person for the rest of our lives? .A good question that even I could not answer.
‘If you were to choose between marrying a lover and marrying a friend,
who would you choose? I would marry my soul mate.’
Well that makes perfect sense but now the question arises Who is my soul mate?
MARRIAGE on the other hand can be define as full of challenges, just like making a quilt. First you have to have a theme and then each squares are made by different hands and you have to bring all these different squares together and balance them in harmonious design. By harmonizing all these different elements, you’re creating a kind of continuity in the piece. When you have all this, then you have a good marriage.
‘Young lovers seek perfection.Old lovers learn the art of sewing shreds together and of seeing beauty in a multiplicity of patches’
On a final note, LOVE and MARRIAGE works hand in hand.One does not exist without the other.I leave you with the final script from the drama;
‘I'll tell you what makes me happy about marrying Sam. I know our marriage has as good of a chance of being wonderful as it does missing the mark. However, I'm banking on our love for each other to weigh a bit heavier on the wonderful side. As Anna says about making a quilt,
you have to choose your combination carefully. The right choices will enhance your quilt. The wrong choices will dull the colors, hide their original beauty. There are no rules you can follow. You have to go by your instinct. And you have to be brave.’
Posted by hjh amoy at Wednesday, April 09, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, April 8
Its quite hilarious dengan aksi and style yang selamba.Apa nya orang putih simple but quite effective.The hero comes when its least expected.Enjoy!!!!
Posted by hjh amoy at Tuesday, April 08, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, April 3
Tuesday, April 1
The Name Is Rajinikanth

This is my brother's, Abg Hadi favourite tamil megastar the famous Rajinikanth.Trademark rambut kurul mengerbang, mata merah and kumis tebal.Recently a book about him was launched.Can't wait for the book to be available here so that i can get it for him.
Here is an excerpt of an interview with an ophthalmologist Dr Gayathri Srikanth, author of yet another biography on
Why did you zero in on Rajnikanth and not Kamal Haasan for your first book?
I felt he was the obvious choice because he was the superstar, and the hype surrounding Sivaji was so immense. When I searched for him on the Internet, I found out that he grew up motherless as a child, and had a very bad childhood. Later on, he had to work as a coolie, then a bus conductor and lastly became the superstar. I found the stories had so many gaps. But I thought the rags-to-riches story of Rajni was very fascinating. So, I decided to write a biography on Rajnikanth and started my work in March 2007.
How did you begin your work? Did you contact Rajniknath first?
No, I couldn’t contact him. He was shooting for Sultan in Holland. So, I met his wife through a common friend. I told her, ‘Ma’am I want to write a book on your husband’. She said there are a million books on him. She first thought I was yet another fan. When she came to know that I was an ophthalmologist, she was amused and gave me permission to go ahead.
I went to Bangalore and the first person I met was Bahadur. He then helped me meet all of Rajni’s school friends. I also met his brother, a very simple man. I think simplicity runs in the family. Then I went to Mumbai to meet the friends he had befriended as a teenager but they wanted to remain anonymous
The book was launched at Taj Connemera in Chennai last evening. Soundharaya Rajinikanth was the only person who was there from Superstar’s family. It was already known that other family members including Superstar would not be there since it would look like self-proclaiming. Soundharya too didn’t speak much in the event. Just a small speech, “I am proud to be the daughter of a great man.’
Veteran journalist Cho S Ramaswamy handed over the first copy of the book to the superstar’s daughter Soundarya Rajnikanth. Cho was being mischievous, ‘Rajnikanth is a believer in spiritualism but he is not a spiritualist, an observer of politics but not a politician and an actor but not a showman.’
Megastar Rajnikanth was a spoilt brat when he was five-years-old, bullied people when he was 10 and tied cycle chains around his neck at 20…Rajni, along with his friends, used to play marbles and if anybody else other than him won the game, he used to beat him up.
The 34-year-old doctor turned writer said, “Another reason I decided to write on Rajnikanth is that there are so many books on the north Indian counterparts of the star like Amitabh (Bachchan) and Shah Rukh Khan, but none on the southern stars.”It is surprising that Gayathri completed research and writing of the book without meeting or interviewing Rajnikanth even once. Perhaps it is only a compilation of already written information floating around.
“After completing the book, I presented it to Rajni sir in November. He didn’t say a word and just took it. What unnerved me more was that for next 10 days I didn’t get any response from his side. And then a letter arrived,” she said. The letter said:
This is a result of extraordinary effort made by Dr. Gayatri. She has gone through many trials and trouble to put together this book. She has woven together numerous incidents into a kind of screenplay, which is stylish and beautifully presented. I am overwhelmed with the book. I hope readers would enjoy it.
“The first edition(384 pages, 100 pictures- priced at Rs 495) would see nearly 20,000 copies in English hitting the bookshelves across the country March 6. By year the book will be published in Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Hindi, Marathi and Japanese. ,” said publisher Ajay Mago of Om Books International.
Posted by hjh amoy at Tuesday, April 01, 2008 0 comments
Monday, March 31
My sister recently bought this computer for home use.Its called AIO (All In One).The screen and CPU combines as one.Pretty cool huh and we got it at a good price too.Both of us didnt know much about computer but it sure impressed us alot.Thanks Reza for getting it for us.
Posted by hjh amoy at Monday, March 31, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, March 25
Opening Act.
Welcome families, friends and new aquintances.Have a look through the mirror of my life.It may make you smile, laugh, feel envious or even think seriously.Take a peek and be entertained.
Posted by hjh amoy at Tuesday, March 25, 2008 0 comments