First of all i would like to wish my daddy Haji Noor Kaseh a Happy father's Day and we all love you very much.usually we don't have any special event to celebrate this occasion but since my dad loves food so makan it is.hehehehe actually anak nya pun enjoy makan jua.kill 2 birds with 1 stone lah nie.
last nite my budayang treated us all to dinner at airport.It was seafood nite and i ate plenty of fresh oysters yummmy.....They say its aphrodisiac tapi whatever......i love eating it especially with plenty of squeeze lemon.Thank buday n jangan jara-jara.hehehehehe.
my workloads has lessen abit but still plenty.i had to work double effort this week since im on holl next week.well kan nyaman kan hati pulang nie kira keraja 2 minggu jadi seminggu.kahkahkah.
Hopefully the weather will be fine when we go shenzhen next week.We have been hearing alot about flooding and earthquake on the southern part of china, the guongdong province which is where shenzhen is.mendoa lah nie.aminnnnn.
you know what is the latest rage on tv for us at rimba.its a chinese series called 'the charm beneath" aired everyday at 6pm at ntv7.Its about a family in the cosmetic business set on the era of the 50's.Biasalah cerita pasal family,harta and love.nda pernah miss kami liat.siok kali ah beat bella n ezora.hopefully no stupid ending.
That's about it for now and see you soon on the next chapter!
Juara Biggest Loser Musim ke 2
Helloooooo dan Salam mesre semue!!!!!
Sempene Tahun Baru 2013 yang akan menjelang ini Hamdi O Kilau ingin
mengucapkan selamat menyambut tahun baru kepa...
12 years ago
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